You’ve booked your sustainable accommodation, planned environmentally responsible activities to do… All that’s left to do is enjoy your environmentally responsible holiday.

Once you’ve arrived, there are lots of ways you can do your part in protecting the environment during your holiday here. Do you need ideas? Here are some top tips :
- Try to encourage short circuits by consuming local products from the market and going to local shops.
- Go on a guided tour of the winegrowing estates bearing the HQE (High Quality Environmental standard) and organic labels, for a chance to meet the winegrowers who are committed to winemaking practices that respect the environment.
- Use the big fish-shaped containers on the beaches to play your part in the fight against plastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea.
- Download the Aire Marine application (search for ‘AMP – Agde’ on your device). With this application, you can explore the marine natural areas of the Cap d’Agde Protected Marine Area, and find out about the regulations in place.
- Choose eco-friendly transport solutions by exchanging your car for a bike, public transport, or choose to walk, quite simply. Not only will this help you avoid all the holiday traffic, but you’ll also be protecting the planet by limiting your carbon footprint.