Cap d’Agde Méditerranée Tourist Office
Head office: Visitor’s centre – Bulle d’accueil – Impasse de la Bienvenue – Le Cap d’Agde – 34 300 AGDE
Tel. +33 (0)4 67 01 04 04

SIRET number: 318 404 647 00014

EU VAT number: FR51318404647

Director and head of publication: Mr. Hugo Alvarez, Director

Website creation:
Agence Wonderful
50 rue Didier Daurat
34170 Castelnau-le-lez


The purpose of the website is to present the Cap d’Agde Méditerranée Destination tourism offer, for the 20 towns and villages of the Hérault Méditerranée  urban community. The website also allows users to be put into contact with the destination’s tourism providers.

As such, links can be integrated into the website upon request, with the exception of those leading to controversial, pornographic, xenophobic content or to information that could offend the general public.


The user recognises that the content of this website and the items featured within it are protected by intellectual property law and that any copy, reproduction, distribution, sale or use by whatever means, is strictly forbidden.

Access to the website does not imply the right to use its content without the permission of Cap d’Agde Méditerranée Tourist Office Any use of resources present on this website (photographs, illustrations, texts, layout or structural features) is forbidden without prior consent from the Tourist Office.

Principally, the Tourist Office grants permission to view the website content. Any reproduction of photos, in part or in full, is strictly forbidden.

Wherever possible, the Cap d’Agde Méditerranée Tourist Office shall ensure that messages and other content featured on its website is accurate and fully compliant before being posted. For this purpose, the Tourist Office can only use the available means, and so cannot guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information and content of its website.

The quality of products, information or any other items of any sort, presented, purchased or obtained through an advertisement, or any other information or offer reached through the website cannot be guaranteed.


Agence Wonderful is responsible for the website hosting, with the company Ovéa.


The user of the website is responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software programmes from any viruses on the internet network.

The Cap d’Agde Méditerranée Tourist Office cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this website or any other website it is linked to, notably the fact of not being able to access the websites, any issues in connecting to the internet, with the host of the websites or the host of a part of the websites, or any interruption in service due to maintenance or updates.


The publishing team reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this website and the legal notice at any time and without giving prior notice. The user is invited to read the present prior warning before using the website and so it is presumed the user is fully informed of this warning and wholeheartedly agrees with it.


The information collected is intended for the Cap d’Agde Méditerranée Tourist Office. This information shall in no case be communicated to a third party. Only the Cap d’Agde Méditerranée Tourist Office and technical service providers that assist us with the management of data processing can access this information. These technical service providers are obliged to respect the confidentiality of this information and can only use it for the purpose of the specific operations that they are asked to carry out.

In accordance with the provisions of article 34 of law n°78-17 of the 06/01/1978, you have the right to access and rectify this information.

You’ll find detailed information about the use of your personal data and about how to exercise your rights with regards your personal data, in our privacy policy


The links to other websites that are featured on are only provided with the goal of making as much information as possible available to you. If you use these links, you will be leaving the website

The Cap d’Agde Méditerranée Tourist Office has checked the specific page that the link leads to, but does not control, and is not responsible for these websites or any changes in their content.

For this reason, the Tourist Office cannot be held liable for these websites or the information on them, the software programmes or any documents used, or for any consequences of their use. If you decide to access these external websites that are linked to our website, you are solely responsible for doing so. The Tourist Office must be notified of any links to the website using this form. The Tourist Office reserves the right to request a link be removed if it is deemed non-compliant with its publishing policy or it is unauthorised.